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Author Topic: A GREAT Necron Army  (Read 2588 times)

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Offline Greg

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A GREAT Necron Army
« on: August 15, 2002, 09:06:13 AM »
I play Eldar, I do not have a necron army nor do i want one, however I would like to share with you what I believe must be one of the BEST Necron armies out there. I lost to this army, the first loss to necrons since their release.

Warscythe, Destroyer Body, Phase Shifter, Ressurection Orb.
(x2) 10 Warriors
10 Scarabs
(x2) 3 Destroyers


He used his 2 squads of warriors as the front screen, then behind them the scarabs, ready to pounce on me. I have seen many people use scarabs as the front screen when warriros are much harder. The 6 Destroyers stayed behind them, the lord in the middle of everything.

The Lords Ressurection orb was withing 6" of every squad making the warriros very hard to kill. The destroyers could not be targeted as they held back. I have seen many people use them out on their own where they make easy pickings.

When I realised that I was not killing the warriros fast enough and the destroyers were killing everything in my army I had to assault, 20 banshees went in at each of the warrior squads, because of the res orb I killed only 4 our of each squads, which was lucky. The scarabs then assaulted me and I started dieing. The destroyers then finished off the rest. The Lord and Avatar met head on the Avatar managed to take off all 3 wounds and force a we'll be back roll but he continued to come back for a second time after that before killing him. With all my banshees dead my avatar and the bulk of my army with the destroyers claiming objective. I lost, badly.

This style of necron play, a patient, slow moving army has given me new respect for what must be one of the toughest armies out there.

This time, at least. Necrones Ruled.

The Eldar will return!


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