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Author Topic: 3000 Points, VC's vs. New Skaven  (Read 6012 times)

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Offline Calus Drakin

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3000 Points, VC's vs. New Skaven
« on: December 27, 2009, 12:40:16 AM »

Vampire Lord ( General )
- Skull Staff, Helm of Commandment, Dark Acolyte, Extra Magic Level, Master of the Black Arts
- Danse Macabre, Gaze of Nagash, Wind of Undeath, Summon Undead Horde

Vampire Lord
- Nightmare, Dread Lance, Accursed Armour, Red Fury, Black Periapt
- Gaze of Nagash, Curse of Years

- 2 Dispell Scrolls

- Book of Arkhan, Dark Acolyte, Lord of the Dead
- Raise Dead, Danse Macabre

20 Ghouls
- Champion

20 Skeletons
- Spears, Full Command

20 Skeletons
- Full Command

20 Zombies
- Musician, Standard

10 Black Knights
- Barding, Full Command
- Royal Standard of Strigos

20 Grave Guard
- Full Command
- Banner of the Barrows

5 Blood Knights
- Full Command

5 Cairn Wraiths
- Banshee


Grey Seer ( General )
- Warp-Energy Condenser, Foul Pendant
- Skitterleap, Warp-Lightning, Scorch, 13th Spell

Plague Priest
- Warp-Energy Condenser, Talisman of Protection, Level 2 Wizard, Plague Censor
- Pestilent Breath, Plague

Warlock Engineer
- Level 2 Wizard, Warlock Augmented Weapon, Dispell Scroll, Warp-Energy Condensor
- Skitterleap, Warp-Lightning

Warlock Engineer
- Level 2 Wizard, Warlock Augmented Weapon, Dispell Scroll, Warp-Energy Condensor
- Warp-Lightning, Death Frenzy

- Great Weapon

20 Clanrats
- Spears, Shields, Full Command, Ratling Gun

20 Clanrats
- Spears, Shields, Full Command, Ratling Gun

20 Clanrats
- Shields, Full Command, Ratling Gun

30 Stormvermin
- Full Command, Doomflayer
- Banner of the Under-Empire

20 Skavenslaves

20 Plague Monks
- Full Command
- Shroud of Dripping Death

5 Plague Censors

10 Jezzails
- Champion

10 Gutter Runners
- Slings, Snare-nets, Champion, Warp-Grinder

2 Rat Ogres
- Master-Bred Rat Ogre, Skweel Gnawtooth

Hell Pit Abomination
- Warpstone Spikes

The first turn began with the Vampire Counts moving up to assault the hated rats. Gaze of Nagash from the mounted Vampire Lord blasted two wounds off the Hell Pit Abomination. Invocation from the Necromancer increased the zombie unit by 7, while an Invocation from the vampire raised her skeleton unit by 5. Gaze of Nagash and Danse Macabre from the General were both scrolled away.

The skaven began their turn by preparing for the inevitable charge of the Blood Knights, assisted by the mounted Vampire Lord. The rest of the army moved up to face the rest of the undead forces. The Plague Priest began the magic phase by trying to cast Plague. He immediately miscast and lost the rest of his power dice for the turn. The air was then filled with electricity as Warp-lightning was cast towards the Blood Knights, Cairn Wraiths and Grave Guard, all dispelled before they could fell a single model though. The Grey Seer then attempted to cast the 13th spell on the Grave Guard, but failed to gather enough power.
The Jezzails opened fire on the Ghouls, one blowing up, while only a single ghoul fell to the warpstone ammunition. A Ratling gun fired on the Blood Knights, misfiring and shooting in the opposite direction. A second Ratling gun fired on the Grave Guard but was out of range.

The Blood Knights charged into the Censor Bearers, while the skeletons with hand weapons charged the Hell Pit Abomination. Everything else continued it's slow advance. Invocation added another 10 models to the zombie unit, while a Gaze of Nagash from the General killed 3 Jezzails. The toxic gasses from the Plague Censors caused two Blood Knights and one Censor Bearer to drop dead. The mounted Vampire Lord then struck, slaughtering the remaining bearers before the Knights could even strike. They then overran straight into the waiting Plague Monks. The skeletons managed to inflict a single wound on the Abomination, while it shattered two skeletons with it's massive bulk. It remained in combat though, despite being outnumbered.

In the Skaven turn, the Rat Ogres charged the flank of the Blood Knights, while a unit of Clanrats charged in to help the Abomination. The Skavenslaves also took the offensive, charging the now massive unit of Zombies. Warp-Lightning was cast on the Wraiths and Black Knights, both of which were dispelled. The Plague Priest cast Pestilent Breath on the Blood Knights, but failed to cause any damage. The 13th spell and another blast of Warp-Lightning both failed to go off. A Ratling gun took aim at the Cairn Wraiths and despite a misfire lowering the strength of the shots to 2, managed to kill the 4 Wraiths, leaving the Banshee standing alone. Another Ratling gun fired on the Black Knights, causing two wounds which were saved by the undead's armour. The Jezzails fired on the Black Knights, their higher strength shots piercing the plate-mail the knights were wearing. The slaves killed two zombies, which wasn't enough to stem the tide of undead swarming over them, and broke, scattering madly in all directions, killing another 5 zombies and gashing open a single clanrat from the nearby unit. The Clanrats and chieftan in the unit assisting the Abomination killed the vampire accompanying the skeletons. The Abomination then threw itself into the undead, crushing another 8, causing the bone warriors to lose by combat by 12, leaving very few models left standing.

The Rat Ogres and Skweel managed to slay only a single Blood Knight, while the Vampire Lord and Knights tore into the Plague Monks, killing 13 of the toxic rats. The Plague Priest struck back and slew 2 Knights with his flail, leaving the Vampire Lord on her own. But still the Plague Monks and Rat Ogres broke and fled. The Monks getting run down by the Lord who took a wound in the motion from their poisonous banner.

The undead turn began with the zombies charging into the flank of the clanrats that were fighting the skeletons off the Abomination while the Black Knights charged into the Jezzails. The rest of the undead moved up to attack the skaven. Summon Undead Horde was quickly dispelled before the Winds of Undeath tore through the skaven army, inflicting 6 wounds across the skaven army, two bases of Spirit Hosts rising behind the clanrat unit near the Jezzails. Invocation healed a single wound on the mounted Vampire Lord. The Banshee screamed into the closest clanrat unit, where a single rat dropped dead.

The zombies dragged down a single clanrat before they retaliated and killed 3 zombies. The Abomination then lived up to it's name, killing a single skeleton, but also killing two clanrats and inflicting a wound on the skaven Chieftan. The remaining skeletons took advantage of the distraction the wound caused and quickly finished him off. The weight of the zombies turned the tide though and the clanrats and abomination both broke and ran, outpacing their pursuers. Across the table, the Black Knights had no problems facing the Jezzails, killing 3 and running down the rest before moving off the table.

The Rat Ogres rallied at the start of the Skaven unit, while the Clanrats continued to flee for the board edge, leaving another clanrat unit to charge into the depleted skeleton unit. The Gutter Runners finally popped out of the ground, well away from the rest of the army. The magic phase was short with Warp-lightning being dispelled and the 13th spell again failing to go off. The lone Ratling Gun on the right flank took aim at the similarly lone Mounted Vampire Lord, but failed to wound the vampiress. The clanrats easily crushed the remnants of the skeleton unit and overran.

The mounted Vampire Lord charged the Ratling gun, which fled, only to be run down. The Zombies charged the new unit of Clanrats in the flank while the Spirit Host charged the rear of the clanrat unit on the left flank, while the ghouls were Danse Macabre'd into the front of the unit. Several attempts at Invocation failed before the general's attempt to cast Summon Undead Horde miscast and ended the turn. The zombies killed none of the clanrats while they lost two of their own. Still the weight of the massive unit caused the rats to break and flee, 3 more of the skaven getting dragged down as they turned to run. The Vampire Lord and ghouls killed a total of 7 wounds to none back, causing the skaven to break, while they successfully escaped.

The Rat Ogres charged the lone Vampire Lord, while the Stormvermin charged into the Grave Guard. The clanrats failed to rally and continued to flee, while the clanrats on the left flank rallied and turned to face the ghouls anew, while the 3rd clanrat unit fled off the board. Warp-Lightning killed 3 zombies, before the 13th spell miscast, killing 3 Stormvermin, 1 Grave Guard and wounding the Grey Seer. The Vampire Lord slaughtered the two Rat Ogres, although skweel managed to flee away unharmed. The Stormvermin's Doom Flayer managed to kill a single Grave Guard, which was matched by the Stormvermin and their magical banner for a total of 3. The Grave Guard killed a single rat back and lost the combat by 2.

The undead turn began with the skeletons with spears charging down the hill into the stormvermin's flank. The ghouls and Vampire Lord turned, prepared to attack the Stormvermin at their opportunity, while the spirit hosts chased the clanrats off the board.

The Grey Seer looked around at the undead massing around his guard and realized the end was nigh....

End result: Massacre

Was a pretty fun game for a little while. The toning down of the Ratling guns made things a lot easier to take and restricted movement a lot less then before. Overall, I like the new Skaven book. :-)
Considering my chosen armies are Vampire Counts and Night Lords, yes, I think "Back from the dead" is probably the most accurate description of my return.

Vampire Counts
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