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Author Topic: 'Valley of Death'  (Read 2181 times)

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Offline imperialnutcase

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'Valley of Death'
« on: April 15, 2007, 06:04:55 PM »
Hey there , ive just been writing this over the holidays and id like you guys to critique it and see if its any good or not,please dont be too cruel  :D , im not exactly Dan abnett!  ;) .
Saphir,minor Imperial shrine world , located in a backwater tributary system of cadia it was inevitable that it would recieve small raids ,in fact it became a rather seasonal occasion for local inhabitants, in the Chaotic aftermath of the 13th black crusade however,  Ork raids began to multiply ,up until the point where a precious relic from the Horus Heresy is at risk of being lost to the xenos,if that was how fate would unfold , it would devastate the morale of an already weakened Imperium and provide a weak link  for which hordes of the oppurtunistic foes of the Imperium could wreak havoc upon mankind and destroy all that macharius fought for.

The twin suns of Saphir blazed at the zenith of their power their  very gaze baking the already barren soil and near destroying the meagre crops in the ramshackle farmsteads  that litter the landscape of saphir.
A small lander bearing the Imperial Aquila glided through the sky with as much grace as the birds of prey patrolling the air, the lander was flanked by a larger craft and a dozen or so thunderbolt fighters, this signified to even the most simple of people with even a passing knowledge of the Imperium, that whomever was in the lander was of great importance to the High lords of Terra.

The lander fell upon a large mountain that had obvious strategic value like a carrion bird on a fresh carcass.
A small personnel ramp extended from the underbelly of the craft and a small , robed figure clad in gleaming gold chased armour and a regal lavender cloak made of the finest materials strode in a stately manner onto the mountainside, his bejewelled cane in hand.
Grand General Wellern of the reclamation crusade stood at the base of the ramp and without turning made a small,curt gesture with his gloved hand.
With that, a veritable throng of  personal aides, servitors,tacticians ,cartographers,journalists and the commanders of the regiments under his duristiction disgorged from the lander,as if he and only he  could give them permission to join him .
Two aides scuttled over to his side ,carrying a wide, ancient looking table made out of pure heartwood .
A cartographer strode up to the table and placed a large ,yellowing map of the surrounding area over it.
"Grand General,I present to you a map of the valley of the Emperor, as you can see m'ilord the position of the relic lies upon the north of the valley, it is not a prime defensive position to say the least".The cartographer touched another area of the map with a cane," however lord there is a ridge that could be used to give heavy weapons a prime position over the battlefield " .

"By the Emperor! never before have I been as insulted ! , a cartographer trying to preach tactics to ME!, a Grand General of His Emperors fighting legions! ,YOU draw the maps and NOTHING else in this army!, is that understood sir?" Wellern snapped in an arrogant manner.

The cartographer, rather taken aback at this outburst quickly retreated back to his place in the crowd of onlooking aides-de -camps .
Wellern  turned back to the table, and with his cane began to point at areas of the map   ,Colonel pearse  O'connel of the Erin first  stared in dismay at the General ,for it was clear that Wellern was a 'political General ' a man that knew or cared nothing for war but wanted all the supposed 'glory' of it and to further his greed and ambition within the circles of the power hungry.
He was called by war journalists 'the young macharius ' ,mindless propaganda,O'connell thought , this man couldnt run a vegetable stall in the markets of Erin let alone a full blown crusade!.
The General gestured with his cane to a point on the map where the supposed Ork camp was meant to be ,
"Yes gentlemen , we will assualt the orks on open ground ,that way we can press our advantage of superior firepower and armour! we will use..."
Wellern was cut short by his adjudant, a plump man with a rather apprehensive look on his face,
the aide took Wellern aside and after a moment he looked up with a face of false enthusiasm "Gentlemen , a moment please, as it appears, our scouts have somewhat confirmed the numbers of our foe, the strength of the Ork warband is anywhere between six hundred thousand and a million". The colonels fell silent ,it was obvious that none of them expected the Orks to be at such strength.
Wellern tried to make his voice sound rallying ,but he lacked true enthusiasm
"We will engage the foe at close quarters and with fire and shell we will drive them back! , the Ork may be unpredictable but if we strike now they will be unprepared and will fall with ease!".

At this O'connell stepped forward.
"With all due respect sir ,have you ever fought Greenskins before?, because y'see sir, during my time Ive fought all variety of orks , green ones ,black ones ,small ones, stooped ones, tall ones,ones with mechanical ability ,hell even pyschic ones, but never in all my fighting days have I fought an Ork that is unpredictable .
Wherever the Ork is or whatever shape or form it takes it uses the same principle to fight, they will keep coming until we or they are all dead . I tell you now, we have let the Orks infest this world for too long , by now the orks will have spread spores near everywhere .
This World is doomed, but we can still win the day if we evacuate the relic ,all we need is to hold off the Orks until the relic can be safely moved to another planet, preferably one with less raid occurance, that way the morale of the Imperial forces will not falter in this region and will remain staunch and true, However If we go on the offensive, the only thing we will achieve is our deaths."

The Grand General began to blush , damn O'connell, Erish bastard!and  what gives him the right to speak to me , his superior officer in such a fashion? by God ill have him stripped down to private! he'll pay dearly for humiliating me.
However he may have a point , we will all die here if there truely are that many Orks,of course!,ill say a tactical withdrawal is the best policy and leave behind a rear guard,consisting of the Erin first.
Ill also need to appoint another regiment as rearguard or it will look rather blatant, the Britaenien 116th have been a thorn in my side as well...

Wellern gave smiled inwardly at the broad shouldered,red haired,bearded colonel, then gave a very curt applause to O'connell's speech and put on a beaming smile .
"My dear colonel,O'Connell, I should have known that your extensive field expertise would come in great use to this crusade, I concur with your plan,but I beleive that it is futile for the whole crusade to fight to the death over this world so I propose that your regiment and say... the Britaenien grenadiers , put your plan into action and secure the relic for the Emperor, rest assured the two regiments will have landed by midnight and of course I will have the munitorum deliver plentiful ammuntion and supplies."

O'connell ,dumbstruck by the Colonel's horrendous judgement on the situation, merely offered a brief sarcastic smile, The Bastard! what is he trying to do? dear Emperor but there is no way in the warp, two regiments could hold off a million Orks in a valley of this size! .
The other colonels , relieved that their regiments had not been chosen to fight applauded raucously to the plan, now the sitiuation was irreversible for O'connell the Erin first would fight incredibly steep odds.
"As you wish m'ilord, but of course you will be missing out entirely on the opportunity to further your military experience beyond the dining halls of your flagship! , you beslubber-arsed bastard! you'll be sending over 12,000 men to their deaths!."
O'connel made a V-shape with his forefingers and swung round ,O'connel stormed off leaving the bemused General and his staff to themselves.

Day two on saphir, Colonel O'colonel and the two regiments had set up camp on the hillside near the mountain where the General and his staff had surveyed the valley of the Emperor the day before.
The morning was clouded over which offered some relief from the nauseating heat of the day before ,O'connell looked up at the grim sky, there was a strange lack of birds of prey, no soaring Eagles, this was a bad omen for the battle to come, he sighed softly .
"Morning sor! , do'ya want a drink? sure its only ground  k-ration caffeine but itll cheer ye's up!." Major patrik murphy said in a jovial ,thick Erish accent, he held out a cup of steaming ,boiling caffeine, the colonel gladly took the proffered mug and nooded his thanks bfore downing it whole.
"GEEZ! what the HELL did ye's make this with?" he winced , "sure ,it tastes like Ork piss! "O'connel growled trying to get rid of the searing taste in the back of his throat.
 "Sure, won't we all know the taste of that before we get off this world if we get off this world, alive anyways...oh and it was made with a little drop of home - poiton!(a strong Erish brew)"
the Major replied .

"Well, we'd best get off our arses and get over to that bloody relic, then maybe we can get the damned  off this planet"O'connell suggested .
" We'll need transport , see if you can get us a scout pattern salamander ,meet me here"

Major murphy snatched up his bolter and slung it over his shoulder , then ramming his crimson beret on his bearded head ran on to the Erin first's motor pool.

O'connell turned round and opened up his canvas tent, he pulled on his  bright green  segmented carapace armour and then shook his weathered storm-coat over his shoulder like a cape, securing it with a crimson braid.
Over that he slung the Tarten sash of the Erish military the Green and the Grey.
He stooped down to his locker and retrieved his twin heavy -calibered Erin - pattern hellpistols,fitted in a dark leather speed-draw holster.
Where would  I be today without these little bastards? O'connell mused to himself, he knew the answer , hell...

Finally O'connel lifted up his most precious possession , his ancient power sabre.
Basket handled and the blade with green emerad chasing in the form of intricate celtic patterns forming the words ' In honour of 'Mikael O'connell, saviour of Erin' .The General smiled  upon reading his fathers name ,it had been a long time since he died ,O'connell cuffed away a tear and chided himself for being so foolish as to cry.

Within minutes , the salamander had bounded across the arid terrain of the valley of the Emperor , which was sparsely populated by small copses of trees and trickling streams and the odd bush or two.
As the vehicle sped past O'connell and Murphy both knew that this was a horrible place to die in, it was so alien compared to Erin,with its lush green hillsides and dense forests.

A crew member from below voxed up on the intercom
"Relic within sight sir, we should be arriving within a few clicks".

"Thank you driver " O'connel responded and pulled out his binoculars through them he could see the relic , standing alone with a ramshackle hut on a remote hill, the temple safeguarding the relic ,consisted of four symmetrical pillars with the sign of the Aquila stamped on each.
,surrounding what looked to be steps leading down to what O'connel presumed to be a vault or crypt.

As the salamander pulled up at the foot of the hill, the major and O'connel lept off the foot ramp .After ordering the driver to wait until they returned.

As they trudged up the dry ,brittle earth of the hill an eerie female wail could be heard, Murphy raised his bolter and signalled silently that it was coming from the wooden hut beside the relic.
Murphy tried the door but it was obvious that a crude locking mecanism had been used.
O'connell indicated that Murphy should stand aside , he tore his fine power sword out of its scabbars and with one blow hacked the front of the small building into splinters.

A  young  women screamed on the floor of the building and an  old man that stood over her, froze on the spot, his body covered with little else than some sacking over his torso.
He stuttered in his speech " I...I.... this ...isn't what it looks like...."

The two guardsmen stood there in disgust at what they had stumbled open.
O'connell broke the painful silence "I assume that you are one of the 'hermits' " O'connell put venomous emphasis on the word 'hermits',
"I see you are not above the earthly sins that you men of the cloth preach against with such zest"

"To fight against sin one must experience it!"
the priest retorted.

At this O'connell snapped and put paid to any defiance the priest might have offered with his 'drill sergeant' voice.
"Shut it !,you hypocritical amphetamine parrote!, this is what the Imperial cause has come to has it? ,Ive a good mind to shoot you where you stand! as an officer of the Imperial guard charged with the defence of this planet im authorised to do just  that!, now either ye let that lass go , and never touch her again, and get that beslubberING relic out of the vault or ill blow your head off !."

Outside the driver of the salamander raced up the sloping path with a vox intercom in his hand ,up to the relic where the old ,diseased priest who between his outburst of hacking coughs, was showing O'connel and Murphy the layout of the relic chamber .
"COLONEL SIR!, Major munroe wishes to speak to you sir,he said its urgent."

O'connell nodded his thanks sharply to the trooper, then took the vox "Major?,you wanted to speak to me?".

"Aye! , our scouts have just sighted one  big Ork tribe headed straight towards the mouth of the valley,they insist that our earlier 'intelligence' was smack on, theres loads of the bastards out there, permission to form up a defence sir? its a wee bit tense around camp at the moment, might as well give the boys something tae do."

"Permission granted , Major..." O'connell paused in thought as he looked up at the four monoithic pillars that surrounded the relic.
Our problem is that we cannot defend the valley because it is too wide, then why not make the valley smaller?,YES!,if we lay those pillars across the valley in a row diagonally , we could channel the bastards into our rifle pits and defences,and that ridge! O'connel looked to his right to see a ridge run right across the other half of the valley where the pillars could not cover, that ridge could be used to great effect as a firebase for our heavy weapons.

O'connell spoke into his intercom mouthpiece "Major, Ive just worked out a defence,oh and send over the regimental Demolisher, it has some work to do ."

The priests emerged from the relic brandishing their clenched fists in anger as the Demolisher methodically used its engine's brute strength to topple each of the columns onto the valley floor,Guards then came to tow away the fallen monoliths to the mouth of the valley "You cannot do this to a sanctified relic colonel!those columns are sacred!, this is madness!"the priests shouted at O'connel who was surveying the construction of the defence line with his magnoculars and simultaniously shouting at a group of fresh guardsmen to dig in their nine-seventies at a slant so they could actually pull them out again.He swung round violently to face the priests.

"No,fathers, no to me they are NOT sacred, nothing on this  amphetamine parrot-hole world is sacred to me!, there are only two things sacred in my eyes in the whole ,beslubbering, Galaxy.
Erin, my home and the Emperor on holy Terra.
Now those pillars are being used to further the Emperors will, now there's a very big Orks headed to kill us all and they wont take a flying beslubber of notice about your precious relic,and them there 'Sacred' pillars are going to help us kill the Orks. We have an Imperial navy force en route , to 'evacuate ' the vault and relic and reinstallation on Cadia.
Now if ye's will exuse me I have to deploy my marksmen..."

O'connell put forceful deliberation into each of his words as if the priests were hard of understanding , to humiliate the holy brethren further he turned around before they could muster a retort.
Humiliated and shamed, the priests shambled off back to their living quarters.

As the basilisk and heavy weapon squads triangulated the valley floor, for better firing positions and to work up a network of potential crossfires, O'connell smiled to himself , he had made quite a killing field.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 01:23:07 PM by imperialnutcase »
The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

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That night the Colonel called a meeting for the Senior officers of both the Erin first and the Britaenien 116th in his tent,he had a table and a map of the valley set up,  the latter regiment had helped little with the making of the defence and had either paraded all day or slept fast in the relative cool of their  bivouacs .
O'connell,Major Murphy,Major Munroe ,  tank commander Donovan and senior commissar Campbell represented the Erish .
While a certain Colonel Vaughn ,a thin ,tall ,elderly man with a rather peculiar nose and his Major Slake who looked quite the opposite to his colonel, squat ,plump and red faced and rather young looking to be a senior officer ,Too young O'connell thought.They alone represented the Britaeniens.

O'connell was just about to show the dispositions of his troops when he noticed there was a distinct lack of the distinctive Britaenien red tunics ,pitch black shakos and  white pipeclayed crossbelts in the room.
"Colonel vaughn if I might ask , where are the rest of your officers?, I mean surely there must be more."

looking down his round spectacles "This is very much It  , Colonel  O'connell, we ARE a conscripted regiment after all , we dont get very many seniors officers here! " Vaughn let out a nervous,laugh with a horse-like quality to it ,when he saw the severely dismayed look on O'connell's face he stopped.

"Well we have been in a fight against Orks before y'know, 'pon my soul we have sir!,of course we were in reserve behind the Praetorians... but we can fight!." the Colonel backtracked in an enthusiastic way.

Finally O'connel spoke "Look im willing tae give ye lads a chance, mainly because if I dont, we all die, but you have to get your lads into shape, have they done hand-to hand drill? or marksmanship drill?."
Vaughn simply shook his head as if to indicate that the only drill his men had been given before they were shipped offworld was a simple indoctrination drill and how to parade properly.

"No problem ,Ill send over some of our vets to give your lads a crash course into how to handle a lasgun,and more importantly,how to kill an Ork."
 O'connell sighed, he know there was now very little hope of them surviving until the Navy task force arrived.
O'connell unfolded a map
"Right, now where was I? ,ah yes, Donovan , your tank boys  will stand by , behind our main defensive line of rifle pits and palisades, if the Orks spill through the columns on our left flank its up to you and Vaughn's lads to stop em!.
Remember Donovan, if the enemy has Armour ,YOU deal with it, our heavy weapons will doubtless be occupied with keeping their Infantry away."

Donovan,who was more augmentation than flesh, responded with a casual nod of his head,and went back to stroking his fair haired beard in a uninterested manner.

"Munroe your and your Highlanders will be our skirmish line, you will harry the enemy as soon as they enter the killing field, give orders for your cavalrymen to priorotise the Ork nobs, if they see any armoured orks, they take them out,same goes for your snipers,shoot the big ones and the rest will run!."

"Aye sor!, we will not fail you!,my sniper boys are the best in the segementum obscurous".
Munroe was a man about seven foot tall and an auburn handlebar moustache,he wore a full - braided kilt and grey fatigues, in the sash of his kilt was an Erish warknife, such knives were used on Erin for one purpose and one purpose only, to kill Xenos who came too close.
O'connell was glad to have men such as the Highlanders with him.
"Aye, im sure of it Munroe, Murphy, your lads will be supporting the heavy weapons, any Orks get ideas about coming too close , you get 'em!"

"YES SOR!, we'll put the fear of the Emperor into them!"
Murphy said bombastically, he was proud of Erin and proud to be serving in the Imperial Guard, he had none of the Veteran's bitterness about him even after all the years he had fought.

"If you want to know where ill be, ill be everywhere!, me and my squad will help ye's where needed, of course if some of you boyos make a balls up , ill set ye right, or at least our senior Commissar will!" O'connell joked ,all the men laughed softly even Commissar campbell .

"Right, I think we've all heard enough of the plan, tomorrow or the day after I suspect the Orks will attack , your all dismissed , Emperor bless us all in our time of need".

The next morning the wind howled across the valley floor, everyone in the camp could smell the oily,sweaty stench of the greenskins,it was obivious that the attack would come soon.
There was a scramble of activity around the base, abatis were being constructed right around the ridge where the heavy weapons were set up, sand bags were placed at the top of rifle pits ,Palisades were erected where in the part of the valley where even the colossal pillars could not cover off. trenches were dug around the tents so that if the Orks drove the Guardsmen off the ridge then they would have a place to retreat to .
Behind all the frenzy of consruction ,grizzled veterans from the Erin first gave a crash course to the Britaeniens on how to aim a lasgun so that it would kill with one shot and where to strike an Ork.
"I am Veteran sergeant O'bannion, ive killed Orks throughout my time in the guard."O'bannion stood in front of the whole 1000 praetorians, he used a vox so that they could all hear him.O'bannion had a deep scar running right down his face at a slant the only thing that disguised it was one of the things that made the  Erish military different from other regiments, a bright green tribal tattoo running down the skin above and below his left eye.He wore dark green flak armour it eas evidently old ,  the plastek components in it were scuffed to no end and the whole thing was scratched and dented on the shoulder pads even had a large fragment of a Tyranid claw in it.

He pulled up a crudely drawn Ork diagram on a piece of flakboard and used a pointer to convey his message.
"Orks are naturally resilient to pain and injury, if you want to kill one ,from the off, shoot or slash its neck.
anywhere else save the eye ,will not kill it with one shot ,unless of course your using a battlecannon.
If the ork is wearing heavy armour"
O'bannion continued.
"Shoot it where the Ork has neglected to wear armour.
I tell you now, in all my years fighting Orks , that they never, ever completely protect themselves, Emperor know why, they just don't, usually they leave the head unprotected ,if you shoot them there ,be warned, a headshot will not always kill an Ork, they are thick-skulled ,double-tap the bastards, even if they look like their dead."

The following morn , word was screamed down vox channels and word spread like wildfire around the camp, Orks had been sighted,moving toward the camp.
The first of the Greenskins loped towards the Imperial positions , hungrily demanding battle, their bodies, stooped,towering and packed with sinewy muscle, covered with a sacttering of  metal plates welded together and crude flak armour, in their large hands were large machine guns,with huge barrels that looked seemingly impossible to fire, at least accurately.
Others carried colossal axes and 'choppas' ,with huge rusting blades that looked if wielded propably ,could slice even one of the adeptus astartes clad in power armour in half.
The Orks bellowed and roared as they ran towards th gap between the improvised barricades made out of pillars and the valley wall .
Once they reached the seemingly vulnerable part of the Imperial defences, the leader signalled for the mob to halt , he raised his head to the air and sniffed ,something was wrong.
Concealed in their rifle pits and behind the ridge, the marksmen of the Highlanders let out a hail of death, not one shot missed , all the las bolts struck home into between the Ork's sternum and throat .
To make matters worse for the Orks ,the deafening indirect fire of the regimental basilisk and mortar company exploded into the mass of green flesh, and because of the push of Orks behind , the front 'ranks' of xenos could do very little other than stand and die.

Very soon the first wave of Orks wavered and ran.
Sensing that victory was close and complete , a group of Britaenien troopers slide down the ridge and attempted to close in on the 'routing ' Orks.
The Erish veteran 'advisers' to the Britaeniens shouted anxiously but the inexperienced Britaeniens kept charging,some discarding their uncomfortable shakos , in the heat.
Outside the accurate range of the Imperial artillery, the Orks swung round, their numbers bolstered by more arrivals from the WAAAGH!'s camp.
They engulfed the now faltering Britaeniens,as soon as the Imperials were dead their bodies were scalped and some stuck on bosspoles as gory trophies

The Imperial army watched helplessly on the ridge , gazing in horror at the slaughter of their comrades .
The Veterans assigned to advise the Britaeniens only shook thier heads .
"Poor bastards " O'connell  huffed in an angry manner, "Logan, pass me the vox-horn " his assigned vox-operator passed the mouthpiece over to the colonel .
"This is Colonel O'connell to all units , Yhwh-condemned it but hold the line lads! this is not a bloody war game,this is real, lives will be lost, I would prefer none to be in vain, HOLD !."

The second wave was even larger than the first , Ork nobs mixed into the waves of 'grunts' .
The outcome was no more favourable for the Orks than the first wave had been and piles upon piles of blood stained corpses littered the gap.
Most casualties belonged to the Orks but a few Erish rifle pits contained sharpshooters, that had been overwhelmed by the volume of fire unleashed by the greenskin horde.
As the second wave of Orks retreated into the dust of the valley plain , a low short lasting cheer came from the Britaenien ranks.
The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

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None of the Erish cheered ,as veterans that had fought many battles against the green menace ,they knew that the battle hadn't even started.

The third horde of Orks charged in a ragged line across the valley, thier guttural roars reverberated across the valley.
This wave was at least included at least three times as many indviduals as the previous two.

O'connell lowered his magnoculars, he knew something was so,so wrong.
The Orks were charging in a straight line, across the breadth of the valley.
What the Hell are the bastards doing?, they KNOW they can't climb  over the pillars..
O'connell pondered.
Suddenly it came to him , he snatched logan's vox horn , and yelled into it " All , units, get away from the beslubbering pillars!".

Some guardsmen nearest to the improvised barricade, looked up in bewilderment to the Colonel's position.
It was to be the last thing they saw, the solid marble pillars erupted into fine,fine grains .
Wether the grains were charred human ashes or pillar , it was impossible to tell as they showered over the massed Imperial guardsmen, some of the 'fresher' guardsmen retched and threw up  violently.

O'connell's eyes hardened unto stone , and he shook his head in lament, the foe would pay dearly for this.
He once again took his vox and ordered dourly that the armoured group and the skirmishers hold the line as long as possible while the rest of the army preform a fighting retreat to the trenches.
Not one inch of Saphirian soil would be given to the Orks without blood.

Munroe jogged up the line of his beloved skirmisher company clad only in his fatigue trousers, and his distinctive Erish kilt slung over his woad covered torso like a sash,in it he had holstered his hellpistol and his two matched Erish dirks .
He paused to spit out a piece of hard tack that he had been gnawing at since the battle started, he then reached into a small pouch in search of another piece of tack which he popped into his mouth effortlessly.

He strode infront of the assembled skirmishers, who were the veteran highlanders, clad in their tartan capes and kilts, armed with gleaming dirks and claymores and some  with sharpshooter lasguns others with lascarbines,all had fought Orks before,none showed the fear of the other troops on the field,they knew if they were to die then that was already decided beforehand by the Emperor , and nothing could change that fate, so no use worrying about it.

Munroe smoothed his handlebar moustache before raising his voice across the line of troops so they could all hear him.
 "Alright lads, our Colonel has asked us to hold the line, while the rest of our bonny boys, and the conscript laddies get to tae trenches, well I can tell you now, I don't plan on risking my life to 'hold' a line".
The whole line stared at him in perplexment.
"Nay, if im gonna risk my life, I want something more, I want an ASSUALT!".
At this the whole mood of the company changed,the men started chanting the famous regimental chant that had echoed across mighty battlefields since the first founding when the Erish served in the Mighty legions of Macharius.
"FAUGH A BALLAUGH!"  Munroe growled  at the top of his lungs , "ERIN GO BRAGH!" the skirmishers roared in response, the whole company ,save only the sharpshooters who stayed at the rear ,sniping enemy leaders to  break the enemy morale, readied axes,swords,dirks ,bayonets and clubs and charged headlong down the ridge ,led by the bombastic Munroe ,and Commissar dynes who was brandishing a bolt pistol , and power sword, he had adopted the Erish tartan cape and sash to exemplify he actually cared for the Regiment he was stationed with, something Commissars rarely did.

The Ork horde made its way up the ridge , the ridge which not half an hour ago had sent a hail of death into the Ork lines,now manned by about one hundred Imperial guardsmen.
The leading Ork nob faltered as he slugged up the ridge's steep bank,these guardsmen werent  holding thier positions as other 'umies' he had encountered had done, they were attacking HIM!, he sensed something was deeply wrong.

The Nob didn't have long to ponder this dilemma of human pyschology, before his head disappeared in a film of gore ,then the Nob serving under him toppled backwards into the press of Orks  surging up the hill like a tide.
Then another Nob and another and another.
The Ork tide wavered and shuffled backwards.
It was too little, too late to save them .

The Erish line crashed into the unstable Ork forces , Erish blades bit deep into the heart of the Ork hordes.
Munroe dived into the fight , wielding his twinned war knives with  deadly precision,slitting the throats of greenskins while bellowing  curses in Erish.

Munroe shot down a charging Ork  Nob with his hellpistol ,then swung around to take the blow of one of its minions with the  fighting knife in his left hand .
As he and the Ork struggled , blades locked in combat, neither being able to outdo the other , munroe rammed the pistol in his right hand into the greenskin's stomach and pulled the trigger.
Munroe looked up from the bloody ruin of his foe ,he didn't like what he saw . Three towering machines bearing the crude mark of the 'Waaagh!'and vicous bladed claws, on the ends of  ramshackle metal arms ,stumbled athritically forwards over the slabs of rockcrete ruins of the pillars towards the Erish.
The Orks had sent up Killa Kans.

"What the hell is munroe doing?" O'connell asked rhetorically as he stared in puzzlement through his field glasses.
He was only meant to hold the line, not counter attack...
O'connell switched his attention to the amrpured brigade led by tank commander Donovan.

The engine of the Leman russ Exterminator roared above the battle noise.
Donovan was raised his body up through his command hatch, took in the surrounding features of the battle around him and
 sent an order via his augmetic vox - relay .

"Donovan to all armour, target those damned walkers, our infantry won't stand up long to those bastards!, donovan out!".

he rapped a 3- digit signal on the hull with his bionic arm, to siganl that his autocannon gunner open fire to suppress the mob of Orks surrounding the 'kans' so that the heavy ordnanace bearing tanks cvould get clean kill shots at the machines.

Instantly the twin-linked cannon of the exterminator opened up and punched bloody gaps into the Ork lines,the greenskins scrambled away from the kans, running away until they were cut down by the heavy bolter sponsons of the lead tanks.

The tanks surged forward ,their treads crushing Orks until they were slick with blood.
The company vanquisher came to an abrupt halt and its commander raised himself out of its turret hatch,as he laid the guns sights on his selected target.

The killa kans rampaged forward, thier claws tearing at the Erish skirmish line .
Munroe instinctivly recoiled from being trodden on by one of the crude walkers,
the kan struck him flat with a curt blow from its mechanical arms and sent the Erishman sprawling,it towered over his prone body , he whispered a prayer on his lips as he prepared himself for the afterlife.
All he remembered from that point onwards was a large bright retinal afterimage.
The he picked himself up from the ground, feeling a broken  limb or two, to his amazement the kan was now a piece of smoking wreckage imbedded into one of the pillars.

O'connell,lowered his magnoculars with a relieved smile the storm had broken and they had weathered it!, and once again requested the use of his vox horn "This is O'connell to all troops , we will advance! For Erin and the Emperor!".

The retreating troops , halted in thier tracks and marched back towards the breach in the pillars.
The order rang out across the Imperial line to fix bayonets, anxious sergeants encouraged their squads and the Erish veterans 'advising' the Britaeniens tried to comfort their men that if they died today all their sins would be absolved in the eyes of the Emperor.
O'bannion took a quick swig from his flask ,he winced at the strength of the alcohol at first but then relished it, for it could be the last taste of home he'd experience, he took out his battered shotgun and racked it, they were in for one hell of a fight.
The fateful order arrived at every unit's vox set "advance".
The skirl of the Erish bagpipers palyed to the pace of the march, until the order cam to charge.

O'connell himself strode to alongside his men, hellpisto lin his left hand , his power sword, sheathed with blazing green inscriptions on the blade ,in his right.

The army hurled themselves down the ridge, sweeping small mobs of Orks aside,O'connell threw himself at a group of Mega armoured nobs, he holstered his pistol and brought up his sword in the posta de la falcone and struck down from his high guard , his sword cleaving through the lead ork's armour as a hot knife through butter, spewing blood over the barren earth.
As the whole clashed against the Ork lines , unit cohesion and any sense of tactics went , it was all a swirling combat now, there was no 'bigger picture' for the guardsmen, only the man standing next to you and the Ork in front of you, combat at its most brutal and base.

Erish blades locked in fierce combat with Crude ork 'choppas',
the wild music of the Erish pipes , competion with the guttural roars of Ork warlords.

O'connell caught a glimpse of something far off during a moment of respite, something at the mouth of the valley, something big, as tall as the valley walls...

O'connell was bowled over , his vision blurred, a towering ork,bigger ,than the rest, and wielding a mighty power claw.
Brannigan the Erin first's colour sergeant charged at the Ork, and rammed the metal aquila of the bannerstaff into the warlord's unprotected armpit, the greenskin bellowed in pain , then with his power claw wrenched the banner out of the loyal Brannigan's hands , and dealt the colour sergeant a mighty blow to the head, Brannigan crumpled to the floor, crushed.

The warlord turned its attention to O'connell , and pinned him to the floor with one of its huge mega armoured feet.
O'connell winced under the immense pain in his chest, then his pains were forgotten when a huge noise like thunder rolled across the valley, the Imperial navy had arrived.

Lightening strike craft swept upon the legions of Orks like avenging angels.Each aircraft delivering  a cluster of screaming missiles into the heart of the enemy, and breaking the horde asunder.

O'connell saw what appeared to be over sixty marauder bombers appeared in the horizion, the bombers dealt out a hail of high- explosive death unto the enemy, crushing the gargant as if it were some insigifigant insectoid under the boot of a careless guardsman on the march.

The Ork's attention was on the destruction of its army and not on O'connell who, while the Ork was distracted , reached into his holster and and retrieved one of his hellpistols,and without hesitation he shot the Ork through its unprotected neck.
The greenskin warlord stared down in a demeanor that implyed puzzlement and shock for a moment until its body stumbled back , lifeless.

O'connell struggled to pick himself up , and ran over to Brannigan who was bleeding furiously .
As the Orks all over the field routed and were pursued by the company Hellhounds, O'connell yelled "MEDIC! MEDIC!"
Doc mclhatton sprinted over,and ushered the colonel who had almost collapsed with fatigue, away.

O'connell sat on the ridge covered in dust and blood and every muscle burnt with lactic acid and bone in his body ached, and found a unused lho-stick from a dead guardsman and just watched the fires of battle burn themselves out.

"So , you survived O'connell ?, well done to your chaps, I must say, I note that Colonel vaughn is a notable absentee from this debriefing?" Wellern mused , deep in the heart of his flagship The Aquila ascendant  , in the briefing theatre.

"Aye, sir I did survive,Colonel Vaughn however, died serving his Emperor and God, which is all an officer of the Imperium can hope to achieve as did most of his regiment , I have recommended them for the Iron Aquila, I trust you will use your authority to follow this through m'ilord" O'connell said coldly, putting vehement emphasis on 'm'ilord' failing utterly to diguise his hatred of Wellern.

The General , tongue-tied at this retort, waved his hand in dismissal of O'connell ,who strode out of the chamber in a proud stance, there were more battles to be fought, and more far flung areas of the galaxy for the Erish to fight and die in, far away from thier beloved home.

The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

Offline Zanotam The Wise

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Re: My guard story about my regiment (DONT POST HERE, I WANT THIS LOCKED)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 12:50:10 PM »
Hang on, wasn't there a post in IG boards that said fiction is supposed to stay/go here, since there was too much piling up in the Guard boards?
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Re: My guard story about my regiment (DONT POST HERE, I WANT THIS LOCKED)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 12:57:09 PM »
Hang on, wasn't there a post in IG boards that said fiction is supposed to stay/go here, since there was too much piling up in the Guard boards?

Yes.  Yes there was.  Ignore the obnoxious caps in the subject.
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Re: My guard story about my regiment
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 04:06:42 PM »
Yes,indeed there was zanotam , but since that was posted AFTER I posted this , perhaps there could be a connection? perchance? I dont yet posess the skill of telepathy.
Also since I did put a lot of effort into this, could SOMEBODY give me some feedback, other than which bloody forum its in?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 04:32:48 PM by imperialnutcase »
The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

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Re: My guard story about my regiment
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2007, 06:06:26 PM »
*cough* That was pretty.... stirring. I may have cheered at points.

"GEEZ! what the HELL did ye's make this with?" he winced , "sure ,it tastes like Ork piss! "O'connel growled trying to get rid of the searing taste in the back of his throat.
"Sure, won't we all know the taste of that before we get off this world if we get off this world, alive anyways...oh and it was made with a little drop of home.
I was so sure it was going to be Dutch Gold.... :P

It certainly has an impact, even in the confines of a forum page. An advantage of writing about 40k to our audience is eveyone knows the wargear and armour you write about, indeed 'Bolter' and the idea of a commisar caring about his regiment so much he adopts their dress is rather evocative.

 If you want to improve the writing, cut down on swearing and run it through the spell-check. Then tidy up the paragraphs and start looking at what you can cut out or rewrite, and watch out for repeated words and phrases.  For a first or second draft it's highly enjoyable.

Keep crafting it, you have obviously invested a bit of soul into this.
I like what you're doing, but none the less... It's pretty freakin' messed up. Which is cool. Great ideas and concepts, but again, pretty freakin' messed up.

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Re: My guard story about my regiment
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2007, 01:14:24 PM »
Thanks very much No Love Lost :),
about the spell check , I started doing it until it reached the point where it was changing every other word like 'ork' and 'bolter' heh ;)
But yes it is a first draft, and yes i will 'refine' it as best as i can, thanks for the advice tho mate  :)
The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

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Re: My guard story about my regiment
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 12:12:13 PM »
Good story mate.

It was a thrilling read, if a little tricky at the start. After a while you seemes to find your stride thgough and it was an excellent piece.

I like all of the characterfull details and the wat that you manage to demonstarte their specific traditions. I think that you may have inspired me to get back to my own writing.

Ordo Sepulturum
Hunt for the Terminus Est

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Re: 'Valley of Death'
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2007, 01:26:52 PM »
Thanks very much spiteful :) , ill be sure to read your story when you write it, now ive run a spell check or two on the story on my word processor(not in these forums because the spell check apparently cant cope with the amount of words and crashes... :-\
But do you guys reckon i should post the  improved story in an external story site?
like this? The reason im asking is that the people on the site most probably not understand or like the backround of 40k and may think im a complete nutter... ;). 
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 01:35:24 PM by imperialnutcase »
The plan? It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.
Zakk Wylde

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Re: 'Valley of Death'
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2007, 11:04:11 PM »
How hardcore is this site?

If it's pretty hardcore, pass your improved version over to the boys at teh project site (just PM a mod or report this) and we'll give it the works. You'l have it on the front page and hopefully we can also see if there's anything that's worth revising.
Plus then you have a story on the front page!

If you are worried about it not appealing to non-40kers, give it a hook at teh begining to allow others to enjoy it for its merits not it genre, so have a more generic intro part. The Gaunt's Ghosts series got me into 40k, so think of the start of First and Only. Perhaps somethng dark and thematic or maybe an action scene. Go easy on the technical terms or people will be confused (bolters, stubbers, hellguns, demolishers: they all confused me at first. Use weapons people are famialier with: flamers, missile launchers etc). Also when you use a term for the first time, give a description. Not a dictionary type actually, but more along the lines of it effect. Like teh way you described the ork menace is a good exaple, highlighting their rugedity.

Apart from that I have few other suggestions for teh mainstream readers. Use your disgression I guess.

Good Luck mate. Keep me up to date on this.
Ordo Sepulturum
Hunt for the Terminus Est


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